
Ornella Fiorentini

Ornella Fiorentini

    She was born in Ravenna and got her Arts degree in Drama, Art and Music Studies at DAMS, University of Bologna. She won numerous literary awards and is actively publishing various books of hers, amongst which “Fiabe contemporanee” (1985), “Il cuore a fette” (2004), “Teodora Degli Innocenti” (2007), “La bambola di Solange” (2009), “Le stelle di San Lorenzo” (2010), “A bocca chiusa” (2011), “Christine” (2013), “E perché dovrei pentirmi?” (2014), “Dove si posano gli aironi” (2015), “Matrioska” (2016), “Angelica e il Drago” (2017). Col romanzo “Non si maltrattano i bambini” (Giovane Holden Edizioni) won the National Literary Award Streghe Vampiri & C. She lived in Trieste, Denmark, Tunisia, Brazil, Thailand and now lives in Ravenna.